Office Manager


ReThink Studio is seek­ing an Office Manager to pro­vide admin­is­tra­tive over­sight and assist with pro­duc­tion of pre­sen­ta­tion mate­ri­als for our ReThinkNYC plan. Ideal can­di­dates are resource­ful, detail-ori­ent­ed and have excel­lent expos­i­to­ry writ­ing skills, and/or are tech­no­log­i­cal­ly inclined. Having an inter­est in graphics/graphic design is a plus.

Job Duties:

~ Coordinate over­all admin­is­tra­tive activities
~ Work with a team to write descrip­tive nar­ra­tives of pro­pos­als and sup­port­ing pre­sen­ta­tion materials
~ Play a key role in pro­duc­ing pre­sen­ta­tion mate­ri­als, such as our in-house book pro­duc­tion process­es (includ­ing print­ing, assem­bling, and bind­ing of ReThink Studio books)
~ Assemble research, draw­ings, and design mate­ri­als into cohe­sive presentation
~ Oversee and main­tain gen­er­al office sys­tems and equipment
~ Assist with IT services


~ 1–2 years expe­ri­ence work­ing in a relat­ed role
~ Bachelor’s degree
~ Fluency in MS Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
~ Excellent inter­per­son­al, writ­ten, and ver­bal com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills
~ Ability to pri­or­i­tize and multi-task

We are look­ing for some­one who is self-moti­vat­ed and tal­ent­ed to join our team. If you’re pas­sion­ate about what we’re doing and feel that you have the skills to con­tribute, please email us your resume with a cov­er let­ter to [email protected]. Please let us know why you’d like to join the ReThinkNYC pro­duc­tion team and how you feel you could best con­tribute to our efforts.

The posi­tion is full time and the salary will be com­men­su­rate with your skills and experience.